GJ Gardner Homes NZ App - Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (Policy) sets out how Deacon Holdings Limited, New Zealand Master Franchisee for G.J. Gardner Homes (“us”, “we” or “our”), (including our successors and assignees), use and protect any personal information that you give us including when you use the GJ Gardner Homes NZ App (App).

Similarly, our franchisees may also collect personal information from you (and in turn disclose this to us) and this Policy applies to the collection and use of that information. Each franchisee is an independently owned and operated business under the GJ Gardner brand in accordance with the terms of their franchise agreement with us.

By providing us or franchisees with personal information, you consent to the supply, collection and use of that information in accordance with this Policy.

Information collected

While providing products and services or interacting with you in person or electronically (including via the App or our website or social media sites), personal information will be collected, being information relating to an identifiable individual.

This personal information may include information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, email address, log-in details and passwords, access times, records of use, payment details and activity history.

If you provide us with personal information on behalf of another individual, you will be responsible for obtaining consent from that individual to the use of that personal information in accordance with this policy.

We may also collect details of your visits to our website including IP address and information relating to the areas of the website that you visit.

To help ensure a rewarding experience, cookie technology helps us to know how many people visit us and where visitors go on our website. Cookies are small bits of information we send to your device. Among other things, this non-personally identifiable information allows us to know which areas are favourites, which areas need a bit of improvement, or what technologies and services are being used by our visitors so that we may continually improve online experiences.

Use of personal information

We or our franchisees may use your personal information for the following purposes:

(a) to provide products and services to you;

(b) to look at and respond to any messages, complaints or other queries you might send us;

(c) to notify you about any changes to products or services;

(d) to identify you and provide you with access to relevant data or information;

(e) to send you e-mails and other communications where we think this may be of interest to you and for related marketing purposes (unless you opt out of such marketing);

(f) to provide you with information on products or services we think might interest you based on your preferences;

(g) to allow you to enter competitions and contact you about them;

(h) to improve the content and products and services we offer; and

(i) to make our products and services more effective and user-friendly.

We may also use your personal information to comply with the requirements of any applicable law.

Information sharing

We may disclose your personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

(a) to any third parties who need to use this information for the purposes of providing products or services or are involved in the provision of products or services for the purposes for which we use information;

(b) other companies operating under G.J. Gardner Homes brand;

(c) web hosting providers, email service providers, telecommunications service providers, data warehousing and analytics service providers, marketing agencies, professional advisors, and other third party service providers.

(d) in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, to a prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets;

(e) to regulatory and government agencies;

(f) to comply with applicable laws where disclosure of personal information is required.

Except as set out above or as required by applicable law or any regulatory authority, we will not otherwise disclose any personal information to any person unless you agree that we can.

Storage and transfer of personal information

We may engage other parties to host personal information (e.g. cloud storage), which may result in storage of information in countries other than where it was collected. If there is any transfer of personal information overseas, this will be on the basis that the recipient is subject to the Privacy Act because they do business in New Zealand or is subject to privacy laws that provide comparable safeguards to the Privacy Act or they agree to protect the information in such a way or is subject to the privacy laws of a country prescribed by the New Zealand Government.

Retention of information

We will retain your personal information while you have a relationship with us and are continuing to engage with us and for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy. Relevant factors will include the services that we provide, the operation of our business, the need to comply with contractual obligations, the need to enforce contractual obligations and the need to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Access to information

You may have rights under applicable laws to request access to personal information, rectification of personal information. You may also have rights to make a complaint about any of the foregoing. Any requests or complaints must be made in writing. We will comply with any requests relating to personal information or respond to any complaints as required by applicable law.

Any questions relating to privacy matters should be made to headoffice@gjgardner.co.nz.

Deletion of personal information

You have the right to request deletion of personal information. Any requests must be made in writing to headoffice@gjgardner.co.nz. We will verify your request before we action any deletion.