Brand New, warm and cozy

5 Raki Lane, North Estate, North Estate, Wellsford
2 1 1 0 1
*The price estimate includes GST and is an indication of the build cost and includes land. It should be used as a rough guide. Refer to the About Pricing page for more information. Images are artist's impression only. Regional variations in products and building requirements may apply.
Listing Code: RN-15691
Hop on the property ladder with this two bedroom home in the North of Auckland for $901 per week*. No more paying the landlord's mortgage, now is a great time to start paying your own. *This is not meant as financial advice merely an indication of how a loan can be structured in some circumstances for some buyers. Professional financial advice must be obtained for your own personal situation. The price of $689,000 is a fixed price including land!
Design Specifications
Floor Area101.3 m2
Porches5.9 m2
Total Area107.2 m2
Overall Size
Width (approximate)12.85 m
Length (approximate)9.08 m
Land Area301 m2
Debby Corliss
New Home Consultant

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