
Home Prep

Home Prep

Home Prep

Keen to build but not sure where to start?
Home Prep is a practical guide to making informed decisions about the whole building process, including deciding whether to build new, and choosing the right builder, so you have a great building experience.

Choosing the right builder


It’s a biggie, as having a good builder can make all the difference when it comes to getting the home you want, with no surprises. When you’re looking for your builder there’s a few things you should check.

Like asking your potential builder for five current customers to hear their thoughts on the building experience. Plus, check their credentials by asking for real information from your possible builder, like details about their certification. It also pays to talk to their suppliers, which will give you an idea as to whether they are organised and pay their bills, proving they’re a good person to deal with.

There’s a detailed questionnaire you can use in the book

  • Ask for a report
  • Check their building credentials
  • Ask for real information
  • Must have a robust contract

There’s also some “must-haves” a builder should provide, like, a balanced and fair building contract, which sets out the building company’s responsibilities. It’s also good to check whether they have included adequate provisional costs into the final quote, so you’re not hit with added costs later.